Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We have Blossom

I made a short visit to the garden this week - we are having some work done on the house before we move in and I'm staying some distance away.

Identifying the existing plants is always an intriguing part of a new garden and I wanted to see if anything unexpected was coming up. So far, it doesn't look like the lawn is hiding many secrets - no sign of snowdrops, crocuses or other bulbs.

But some of the trees are starting to come to life with some early blossom.

Not a great picture but it was very grey and overcast and these trees are pretty tall so the camera was pointing up into the sky. I'm guessing these are some variety of prunus but I'm going to need a closer look and probably some leaves to identify them.

Also coming to life is this stump which is displaying remarkable resilience and throwing out some stems which are in bud. Any ideas?

It doesn't look like I'm going to have many constraints when it comes to design - all the trees are at the edges of the garden and I should be able to work around them.

I don't plan to do anything for a while until we see which areas get sun. So for the next few weeks, I'm going to be thinking about the style of garden I want and the features I want to include.

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